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Ideas for Bell Ringers, Part II

If you would like to follow along with my progress on this project, please see the Google Slides deck linked below.Click this link to see the entire slide deck. I...

Ideas for Bell Ringers

Make that first five minutes work for you and your learners.Photo by Luís Perdigão on UnsplashIn this post, I will share my thoughts on bell ringers for this year.Any middle or high school teacher knows that the first five minutes of class can quickly go by without...

What Is Forgiveness?

How can you really forgive someone, or be forgiven?Photo by Melanie Stander on UnsplashI used to believe that forgiveness was quite simple. We all make mistakes, and we all deserve second chances, or multiple chances, to make amends and change our behavior. Who are we...

“What’s the plan?”

The first conversation with myself that I actually want to put in writing.“So, Miss Mac, what do you think of this Roe v. Wade thing?”Suddenly, I’m transported back to 1993 and a debate over abortion in my Senior Seminar class at a Catholic University. I didn’t answer...