
Meandering Ramblings
Reclaiming Myself

When I decided not to make teaching the most important aspect of my identity, I felt lost. It’s time to find myself… perhaps for the first time.Photo by Tomas Robertson on UnsplashIt’s something I should have done a long time ago: find my purpose in life, except I...

Let Them Write!

If you look back at posts I’ve written over the years, you will notice that I strive to answer the question, “Why do I have to learn this?” The best way, I think, to answer that question is to bring the students closer to the concept, skill, text, or whatever it is. Bring them into the community. Welcome them. Assure them. Let them write.

Writing to Learn

In my research on writing-to-learn, I found the following explanation from Colorado State University.  Generally, writing-to-learn activities are short, impromptu, or otherwise informal, and low-stakes writing tasks that help students think through key concepts or...
