by Heather MacCorkle | Aug 21, 2017 | Education, Essays, Learning, Life, Teaching
There are so many articles, blog posts, and books about the purpose of education that it might seem odd to see yet another one. However, this might be a good exercise for any teacher to try, if only to determine his or her own views on the subject. Reading about it,...
by Heather MacCorkle | Mar 11, 2017 | Blogging, Essays
Before you start reading about the topic of this post, I want to mention that all the classes at [google-map-fb-popup id=”2″] are taught by well-trained, committed teachers who care about their students. I wanted to focus on one class in particular, but...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jan 13, 2017 | Education, Essays, Teaching
Our children do not come to us in a dream and ask to be born. Instead, we make a choice to bring our children into the world. They owe us nothing. We owe them everything. That does not mean that they are allowed to walk all over us and demand every wish be...
by Heather MacCorkle | Dec 30, 2015 | Education, Essays, Learning, Teaching, Writing
Freshman year of high school was terrifying. People seem incredulous when I tell them that, of all the years of schooling I have had, that year was the hardest. After all, it was high school. What could be so tough about that? As my Grandmom used to say with a huge...
by Heather MacCorkle | May 20, 2015 | Essays
This post is speculative, based on opinion and observation, and full of educated guesses. If that is all right with you, please continue reading. What’s in a name? Calling a training team an “internal training team” boxes the members into a corner...