by Heather MacCorkle | Jul 21, 2020 | Education, Essays, Learning, Teaching
Bike Monologue 1 Today, I used 5 miles of my 20-mile bike ride to record a video of my thoughts about curriculum and instruction at this time. I’m calling it the first “bike monologue.” It’s an experiment, which is an aspect of learning to teach and teaching to learn...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jul 19, 2020 | Education, Learning, Teaching
School districts across the country are scrambling to define what school is going to look like this year. Meanwhile, teachers seem to be exhausted, confused, and – in some cases – angry. All the stakeholders in education are on edge: students, parents,...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jul 10, 2020 | Education, Essays, Learning, Teaching
During this crisis, we need to remind ourselves of the true purpose of education. Some aspects of this post might be unpopular. I apologize in advance. Why Do Schools Close for So Long? Please, teachers everywhere, do not wince. It’s a good question. According to PBS,...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jun 13, 2020 | Education, Teaching, Writing
The Thought Piece (TP) can be used with any work of literature. It is an informal writing assignment that asks students to reflect on the work they read and annotated, and then write about those thoughts coupled with the text itself. It is through this informal...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jun 9, 2020 | Education, Essays, Teaching
As I write this, I am struggling with the notion that next year I have to teach the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for the first time. Therefore, I am using my blog to create a question paper, to write to learn about why I feel so hesitant. Why am I...