by Heather MacCorkle | Dec 4, 2015 | Education, Teaching, Writing
As I sit here, with my pen, I wonder Will I write well, or will words drag me under [liveblog]
by Heather MacCorkle | Nov 24, 2015 | Education, Learning, Teaching
[aesop_image img=”” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left”] Perception is everything. Despite our best intentions,...
by Heather MacCorkle | Aug 18, 2015 | Education
A famous researcher slams popular ideas in a controversial new paper.Sourced through from: www.npr.orgThis is an interesting take on John Hattie’s views of education. Five ideas that he thinks won’t work are: more money, high (possibly...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jun 27, 2015 | Education, Learning, Teaching
A previous post discussed the benefits of the backchannel for students who are shy or introverted. This post examines the benefits of the backchannel for students and teachers in diverse classrooms. What is a diverse classroom? When students of varying abilities,...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jun 3, 2015 | Education
Almost a year and a half ago, our little-internal-training-team-that-could introduced our colleagues to the new corporate learning management system (LMS). The LMS is a modified Moodle installation. At the time it was version 2.4, and we have since...