by Heather MacCorkle | Mar 29, 2017 | Education, Learning, Teaching
During this module, we will investigate standards in more detail. Specifically, we will review: How standards are organized (subject area, strand / standard area, standard) The difference between learning objectives and standards The process used to unpack standards...
by Heather MacCorkle | Mar 27, 2017 | Education, Learning
Standards-based education is a complicated departure from traditional education strategies. For many educators, it creates cognitive dissonance, a discomfort one feels when trying to adopt a new view that is dramatically different from the one they have held. By...
by Heather MacCorkle | Mar 11, 2017 | Blogging, Essays
Before you start reading about the topic of this post, I want to mention that all the classes at [google-map-fb-popup id=”2″] are taught by well-trained, committed teachers who care about their students. I wanted to focus on one class in particular, but...
by Heather MacCorkle | Jan 13, 2017 | Education, Essays, Teaching
Our children do not come to us in a dream and ask to be born. Instead, we make a choice to bring our children into the world. They owe us nothing. We owe them everything. That does not mean that they are allowed to walk all over us and demand every wish be...
by Heather MacCorkle | Nov 22, 2016 | Education
According to this article from CNN Money, it’s costing New York City more than $1,000,000 a day to have President-Elect Trump and his family stay in Trump Tower. So, let’s get real and compare using that money for three people versus hundreds or...