Feeling Capable, Competent, and Valuable

Thinking differently can make it so.Usually, my blog posts address educational topics immediately. This post will be different. Just as we teachers have found our personal and professional lives blended out of necessity while we teach from home, my blog post today...

“Eat Your Vegetables!”

Recipes for Ed Tech “veggies” I cannot live without.It’s amazing how we adapt to change. First, we resist, deny, work around, and try the old chestnut: “If it’s not broken, why fix it?” Then, we are pulled into the change vortex, and we express frustration, but...

What a Semester!

Semester One of 2020–2021 is either over or almost over. How are you feeling?Image Credit: PixabayBack in September, I created a post asking when we would get used to this new normal. When I wrote it, I thought that surely, by December, our new routines would no...