This poem was part of a deep conversation I was privy to the other night. I thought I would share it with you! I sourced the poem from here.

Hans Holbein d. J. – Portrait of Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey – WGA11578 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
MY friend, the things that do attain
The happy life be these, I find:
The riches left, not got with pain;
The fruitful ground; the quiet mind;
The equal friend; no grudge; no strife;
No charge of rule, nor governance;
Without disease, the healthy life;
The household of continuance;
The mean diet, no dainty fare;
Wisdom joined with simpleness;
The night discharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress:
The faithful wife, without debate;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night;
Content thyself with thine estate,
Neither wish death, nor fear his might.
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1516 – 1547)