
budget (Photo credit: The Survival Woman)

Teachers need project management skills just as much as those in business.  After all, a typical project definition is an activity that has a beginning, a middle, and an end; this sounds like a lesson or a unit.  A successful project will finish on time, on budget, and to all the stakeholders’ expectations.  Successful lessons will finish the same way.  If you think that teachers may not have to worry about budget, I disagree.  Often, the budget they are watching is their own budget; too many teachers have to purchase supplies without assistance from the school or district.

In this post, I am proposing a short course on project management for teachers.  Learning the principles of project management might help them to organize their thoughts, resources, and tasks.  It would be an interesting course to design.

Perhaps there is already such a course out there.  I have not checked, since I just wanted to get my thoughts down in this post at 6:20 in the morning.  On that note, I will end this one here and pick it up again at another time.

Have a great day!


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