What a Semester!
Semester one of 2020–2021 is either over or almost over. How are you feeling? This post has helped me find that mojo again. I hope it helps you find yours.
NaNoWriMo Is Coming and This Year I Will Write My Heart Out Because My Message Matters
I participated in this awesome contest for many years before taking a break, but I believe this year, with all the confusion and disorientation many of us are experiencing, it is critical we do what we love. For more information, please visit nanowrimo.org.
Schools Are Not Businesses. Why Do We Treat Them Like They Are?
Schools are not businesses, but they are treated like they are. Funding for schools is disparate, based on local tax revenues, which vary district to district. In that way, districts are like businesses, but businesses are in competition and raise revenue at different rates due to their products and offerings. Districts should never talk about products and offerings. Why? Because they aren’t businesses!
To Be or Not to Be Part of the Solution? There Is Only One Answer to That Question.
As teachers, we need to lead the charge to sustainable, lasting change. This task is more important than ever in our current global crisis.
This Is What Happens When an English Teacher Has Writer’s Block
An English teacher with writer’s block… it’s not a pretty sight.
Reflecting on the First Week of School
In this handwritten post, I share my thoughts on what has been a very stressful week.
It Will Get Better, Right? Takeaways from In-Service
I want to wish everyone in the learning community the best as we embark on this journey together. Please give yourself and your teachers grace while they become accustomed to this new situation. We can get through this together.
2 Ways That Waiting for the First Day of School Is Nerve-Wracking
I would like to thank everyone in the education community for their response to the crisis and their continued efforts to, essentially, reinvent education as we have known it. There are so many brilliant minds involved. We can make this work and we will if we take care of each other and ourselves.
I Did It Again. I Made Something Too Complicated.
The novel study portfolio project I have planned needs a lot of work to be effective for the students. The project should be fun, thought-provoking, and memorable - not painful. Holy Post-It® Notes! This is what I did to a very good book. To introduce the novel study...
One Multifaceted Way to Reduce Cheating When Teaching Remotely
Authentic and open-ended assessments bolstered by formative assessments are one way to help students build the confidence they need to put the urge to cheat aside and produce work of which they can be proud.