My name is Heather MacCorkle. I am a teacher who calls a small school district in the gorgeous Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania my educational home. I currently teach AP Literature and Composition, English 10, Creative Writing I and II, and Introduction to Poetry. I could not be happier.
As an educator, I often need an outlet for my thoughts and feelings about learning, teaching, school, and education. There are so many things to think about, so many conversations to have. That’s why I started this blog many years ago.
I pour my heart and mind out here, hoping someone will enjoy and perhaps benefit from my words. I hope that someone is you.
I am a Curator
In many respects, I’m not a creator of learning activities. I’m a curator. I scour the texts, textbooks, the internet, and more to bring lively and engaging activities to my students. Now, I want to share some of those resources, along with my thoughts, with you.
That said, I also have spent many hours thinking and creating essays on topics in education and reflections of my life.

Tutor Resources
Find some tutor and teacher resources on this page and feel free to recommend your own!

Most of my essays are about education, but some reflect on my life.